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If you have any questions feel free to contact us anytime.
从 USD 60
享受來自埃及每日旅遊公司的從庫塞爾出發的半潛艇之旅,讓所有家庭成員在不被淋濕的情況下觀看紅海的水下生活!與我們一起乘坐 El Quseir Tours 的精彩 Seascope 潛艇,清晰地觀看、拍攝和拍攝紅海最著名的珊瑚礁、魚類和其他海洋生物。
We received inquiry and someone will shortly be in contact with you.
You will get a notification to your email address.
If you have any questions feel free to contact us anytime.