21天埃及深處之旅 - Daily Tours Egypt | Best Egypt Tours | Egypt Travel Packages| Luxury Egypt Vacations


USD 3'330

與 Misr Company 一起享受為期 21 天的旅行,我們將參觀薩卡拉並前往吉薩參觀金字塔。近距離觀賞大金字塔、獅身人面像、山穀神殿、哈夫拉金字塔、門卡拉金字塔,並造訪貝尼哈桑。它有一組重要的石墓,其歷史可以追溯到中王國時代。然後我們將參觀Tuna al-Jabal。然後我們將在阿比多斯度過一整天的時間,參觀以​​下景點:
早期王朝陵墓(視供應情況而定) - 奧西里斯的景觀- 塞蒂神廟- 拉美西斯神廟和烏姆塞蒂墓。然後前往丹德拉並參觀其寺廟。然後我們將參觀卡納克神廟和
以及 Kom el-Shuqafa 的地下室。然後參觀洞穴教堂。參觀開羅科普特老城。



抵達日期前 30 至 15 天之間,將扣除整個旅遊費用的 25%。  

抵達日期前 14 至 7 天之間,將扣除整個旅遊費用的 50%。

抵達日期前 7 至 4 天之間,將扣除整個旅遊費用的 75%。



0 - 01.99 免費
2 - 05.99 支付旅遊價格的 25%

6 - 11.99 支付旅遊價格的 50% 12 歲及以上支付每位成人的全價


USD 3'330


Day 1

In Saqqara visit the following attraction
(Imhotep Museum - Step Pyramid - Going inside the step pyramids - the Nobles tombs - the Serapeum )


Visit Memphis (View of the Mummification Museum)
Stop at Ramses Wissa Wassef foundation.

Night Stay in Cairo

Tour duration 7-8 hours.

Dressing code: Normal

Optional activities: ( please notify us before hand of optional tours you would like )
Bike ride.



Day 2

Visit Meidum Pyramid.
Including Going inside the Pyramid.

Picnic Lunch

Visit Dahshour.
Including the Bent pyramid and the Red pyramid.

Night Stay in Cairo

Tour duration 8-9 hours.

Dressing code: normal



Day 3

Visit Giza.
See the Great pyramid up close, The Sphinx, The Valley Temple, Khafra pyramid, Menkawra pyramid
Visit the Grand Egyptian Museum
(or the Egyptian Museum in Tahrir)
Night Stay in Cairo
Tour duration 7-8 hours.

Optional activities: ( please notify us before hand of optional tours you would like )
Private visit to the Sphinx feet area and dream stela.
Going inside the Great Pyramid.
Camel ride.
Dressing code: conservative


Day 4

In the early morning drive from Cairo to El Minya. About 4 hours drive.

Visit Bani Hassan.
Has an important group of Rock cut tombs dates back to the middle kingdom

when provincial rulers began to establish their independence.

Some of these tombs has a very elaborate colored scenes describe daily life in Ancient Egypt.


Discover the ruins of Amarna, the short-lived capital of Akhenaton.
Includes the North palace, Nobel tombs, Amarna tablet and Royal cemetery.

Dinner and night stay at New Hermopolis


Day 5

Visit Tuna El Gabel.

Has the most preserved boundary Stela of Akhenaton and Nefertiti, also includes very interesting tombs made by Greek colonists but dedicated to Egyptian cult.


Travel to Abydos.

Dinner and night stay in Abydos.



Day 6

Full day in Abydos to visit the following:

Early Dynastic periods tombs (subject to availability) - View of the Osirion - Seti temple - Ramses temple and Om Seti tomb.


Dinner and night stay in Abydos.

Dressing code ( Conservative)



Day 7

Travel to Dandara and visit its temple.

Travel to Luxor.


Visit Luxor temple in the afternoon and walk along the avenue of the Sphinx

Night stay in Luxor.

Dressing code (Conservative)


Day 8

Visit Karnak Temple

Visit Luxor Museum.


Night stay in Luxor.

Tour Duration:6-7 hours

Dressing code: Normal



Day 9

Stop at the Colossi of Memnon
Visit the Valley of the Kings.
Your tour guide will lead you to the most important tombs among the opened tombs in the valley - You are allowed to visit 3 tombs amongst more than 10 tombs that are currently open.
Visit Hawrd Carter House.
Visit Hatshepsut temple.
Queens Valley
Night stay in Luxor.
Tour Duration: 7-8 hours
Dressing code: Conservative (during the local family visit)

Optional activities: ( please notify us before hand of optional tours you would like )
Tut Ankh Amon tomb.
Ramses 6th tomb
Set 1st tomb
Hot air Balloon ride.
At sunrise, about 50 minutes flight with transfer duration is 2 hours total.
Nefertari tomb.



Day 10

Luxor Ancient Nobles and Ancient commoners - hidden treasures

Visit the Ancient Workment Village (Deir El Medina) - tombs and temple.

The Nobles tomb of Ra Mosa group.

Lunch and visit to the Pottery school.

Visit the Nobles tombs of Draa Abu El-Naga

Visit the Nobles tombs of El Khokha.

Night stay in Luxor

Tour Duration: 6-7 hours



Day 11

To join the dahabiya, which is part of the Luxor governorate,
we drive about an hour from Luxor to Esna.

We visit the Temple of Esna and restored caravanserai and market,
then check in to the dahabiya and sail to El Hegz Village for a unique cultural experience.

Lunch and dinner are on board the dahabiya.



Day 12

Breakfast on board, sailing to El Kab.

Transfer to see the massive walls of the ancient town of Nekheb and explore the New Kingdom tombs.

Sail to Edfu, Ride to visit the Temple of Horus.

Sailing with dinner and free time as you overnight on the dahabiya.


Day 13

Breakfast on board.

Visit Bisaw Island and village, join the men in their boats to share the experience of Nile fishing, walk through farms and meet the villagers.

Sailing to El Selsela ancient sandstone quarry and shrines.

Special barbeque dinner by moonlight.



Day 14

Breakfast on board.

Visit Kom Ombo temple and the Crocodile Museum.

In the nearby town of Daraw you learn how to shop like a local at the market, visit a barn to meet camels and learn about the camel trade, and visit a Nubian Town.

As we sail closer to Aswan if you wish there is an opportunity to swim or kayak.

Farewell dinner and sail to our final destination Aswan.



Day 15

Breakfast on board and check out of the Dahabiya.

Visit the High Dam and Kalabsha temples.

Travel to Abu Simbel

Arrive in Abu Simbel and check in the hotel and Lunch.

Afternoon, visit Abu Simbel temples.

Night stay in Abu Simbel
Dressing code: Normal.

Optional activities:
Abu Simbel sound and light show.



Day 16

Drive back to Aswan, lunch and check in the hotel

Afternoon: Felucca ride on the Nile River to view the following: The Nobles tombs – Agha Khan Mausoleum – the Plantation Island and the Old Cataract hotel.

Night stay in Aswan

The tour duration 2-3 hours
Dressing code: Normal.

Optional activities:
Boat ride during the Sun Rise with a view over Abu Simbel temples.



Day 17

Visit Philae temple.

Visit the unfinished obelisk.

Visit Nubian Museum


Visit the Elephantine archeological site and walking tour in the Nubian Village.

Transfer to aswan airport to back to cairo

Night Stay in cairo

The tour duration 7 - 8 hours



Day 18

Drive to Alexandria.
About 3 hours drive each way.

Visit Alexandria’s new library and its archeological museum.


Drive along the coastline and visit El Montaza Royal resort and view its royal palace.

Tour duration 5-6 hours.

Night stay in Alexandria.



Day 19

Visit the Roman Amphitheatre, Pompey's Pillar
and the Catacombs of Kom El Shoqafa.


Visit the fort of Qait Bay.

Visit Abu El Abbas mosque.

Walking tour in the old market area.

Tour duration 6-7 hours.

Drive back to Cairo.
About 3 hours' drive.

Night stay in Cairo



Day 20

Visit the Cave church.

Visit Coptic Old Cairo.
Include the Hanging church, Abu Serga Church, The Holy Crypt, Ben Ezra synagogue


Visit Amru Ibn El Aas Mosque.

El Fustat Crafts center

Night stay in Cairo

Tour duration 7-8 hours.






Day 21

Visit the Islamic Art Museum.

Visit The Citadel including mohamed ali mosque

Lunch at Al-Azhar park.
A beautiful park in the center of Cairo, on the top of a hill overlooking the city.

Walking tour of Medieval Cairo in El Moez Street.
This is best preserved area with medieval Islamic architecture such as mosques, houses, markets, and other Medieval structures.
It’s a perfect place to experience the local culture of Egypt today.

Visit Khan El Khalili market.

Tour duration is 8-9 hours.

Optional extras:
( please notify us before hand of optional tours you would like
There’s mosques, Museums, houses and other buildings along the street that require an extra ticket to go inside.
Attend the Folk Show in El Ghori Caravansary, according to availability.
climbing the minarets at bab el zuweila




Tour Title Start date End date Price per person Detailed itinerary Availability
Highlights of Egypt and Dahabiya sailing in the Nile in 8 days 01 May 08 May $1397

Click here for the detailed Itinerary

Highlights of Egypt and Dahabiya sailing in the Nile in 8 days 16 Oct 23 Oct $1437

Click here for the detailed Itinerary

Unknown Egypt and Sailing the Nile on board Dahabiya in 15 days 16 Nov 30 Nov $2583 Click here for the detailed Itinerary Available
Highlights of Egypt, Nubia, Dahabiya, and the Red Sea  in 12 days 30 Apr 11 May $1816 Click here for the detailed Itinerary Available
Highlights of Egypt, Nubia, Dahabiya, and the Red Sea  in 12 days 15 Oct 26 Oct $1951 Click here for the detailed Itinerary Available
Highlights of Egypt, Nubia, Dahabiya, and the Red Sea  in 12 days 29 Oct 09 Nov $1951 Click here for the detailed Itinerary Available
Egypt in-depth in 21 days 18 Oct 07 Nov $3330 Click here for the detailed Itinerary Available


  1. Cairo