5-TÄGIGES KREUZFAHRTPAKET FÜR KAIRO UND DEN NIL - Daily Tours Egypt | Best Egypt Tours | Egypt Travel Packages| Luxury Egypt Vacations


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Ab USD 1'250

+1 Zusätzliche Optionen

Daily Tours Egypt bietet  ein Kreuzfahrtpaket für Kairo und den Nil für 5 Tage/4 Nächte an. Erkunden Sie die antiken Denkmäler von Kairo und dem Niltal und genießen Sie eine Hotelübernachtung in Kairo, drei Übernachtungen auf einer Kreuzfahrt sowie Vollpension in Luxor und Assuan. Besuchen Sie mit unserem Kairo- und Nilkreuzfahrt-Paket  die Pyramiden von Gizeh, bevor Sie eine dreitägige Kreuzfahrt auf dem Nil unternehmen, bei der Sie die berühmtesten Tempel Ägyptens besuchen. Sie segeln auf dem Nil nach Luxor und machen Halt in Kom Ombo und Edfu. In Luxor machen Sie einen Rundgang durch diese historische Stadt und besuchen den Karnak-Tempel, das Tal der Könige und den Hatschepsut-Tempel. Besuchen Sie in Assuan den Philae-Tempel, den Assuan-Staudamm und andere, bevor Sie nach Kairo zurückkehren, um Ihren Heimflug anzutreten. 

Dauer : 5 Tage
Reiseziele : Kairo / Luxor / Assuan / Kairo
Verfügbarkeit der Tour : Jeden Tag
Abholort : Flughafen Kairo oder Hotel in Kairo
Tourart : Privat
Live-Reiseleiter : Englisch, Deutsch, Spanisch

Richtlinien für Kinder:
0 - 01,99 Kostenlos
2 - 05,99 zahlen 25 % des Reisepreises
6 - 11,99 zahlen 50 % des Reisepreises
12+ zahlen den vollen Reisepreis pro erwachsene Person.

Ab USD 1'250

+1 Zusätzliche Optionen

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5 Day Cairo and Nile Cruise Tour Package

Day 1: Arrival and Welcome in Cairo:
After arriving in Cairo, meet your travel representative who will assist you through customs and formalities. Then meet your Egyptologist who will accompany you on your day exploring the city and its sites. If you are already in cairo, we will pick you up from your hotel.

Start your first day tour of Cairo and Nile Cruise Tour Package by visiting Pyramids of Giza "Khufu, Khafre & Menkaure", where the greatness has been embodied in three pyramids with a limestone statue of Sphinx guarding the whole area.

Then proceed to one of our local restaurant to have your lunch.

After that you will move to visit The Egyptian Museum
which has more than 250,000 pieces display a rare collection of Egyptian art Over 5,000 years, as well as Tutankhamen room which has treasure, jewelry and gold’s which was enclosed in his tomb over 3500 years before it was discovered in 1920 when his tomb was excavated.

After finishing this fantastic and memorable tour, you will be transferred back to your hotel for overnight.

Day 2: Tour to West & East banks of Luxor:
Early morning, your travel representative help transfer you in time for your short flight to Luxor. This small city in the Nile Valley is located south of Cairo. Once you arrive in Luxor, you will make your way to your cruise ship. This unforgettable cruise includes visiting many of the major sights in Luxor. Continue your Cairo and Nile Cruise tour Package with exploring and visiting the East bank of the Nile,

Karnak temple:
Karnak is more than A temple, is a spectacular Complex of Sanctuaries, Kiosks, Pylons, and Obelisks, All dedicated to the Theban gods and to the Greater Glory of Egypt`s Pharaohs, Karnak was the Most Important place for the worship of the Theban Triad(Amun, Mut, and Khonso) 

Luxor Temple:
Largely built by the New Kingdom Pharaoh Amenhotep the Third and Completed by King Tutankhamon and the Great King Ramses the second, The First pylon was raised by Ramses the second and Decorated  with His Military Battle of Kadesh

Visit the west bank of the Nile Including:

The Valley of the Kings:
Once  called the great Place of the Truth, this valley Called now the valley of the Kings, It is a Majestic domain of the Pharaohs who once lay in great stone Sarcophagi, awaiting immortality, The isolated valley behind Deir el Bahri is dominated by the Pyramid-Shaped Mountain Peak

The colossi of Memnon:
Massive  pair statues Know as the  Colossi of Memnon, Rising about 18 M from the plain, They are the remains of what once the largest  complex on the west bank, Built by Amenhotep the Third

The Queen Hatshepsut temple :
Rising out of the desert Plain, in a series of terraces, The temple of Hatshepsut Mergs with sheer limestone Cliffs of the eastern face of the Theban Mountain as if Nature herself had built this Extraordinary monument.

13:00 sail to Esna lock& lunch will be during the sail
18:00 arrive, Esna Lock, Sail to Edfu& Dinner
Overnight o board of the Cruise in Edfu

Day 3: Edfu temple and Kom Ombo temple:
Breakfast on board the Cruise to continue your Cairo and Nile Cruise tour Package
07:00 Today, view the Temple of Horus,

Edfu temple
Upper Egyptian site dominated by a large well -Preserved temple, dedicated to the hawk-God Horus, The Construction of Ptolemaic temple of Horus, which was founded on the site of a much earlier temple, dated to the period between the reigns of Ptolemy the Third(246 B.c), The descriptions on the walls include the Myth of contending of Horus and Seth(Probably performed annually as a religious Drama.

09:30 Sail to Kom combo
12:30 lunch on board of the Nile cruise during the sail
15:30 arrive Kom Ombo, visit the temple of Kom Ombo

Kom Ombo temple
The temple and the associated settlement site located 40 K.m north of Aswan, the temple was dedicated to the deities Sobek and Horus  and date mainly to the Ptolemaic and Roman period(332 B.b -395 A.c)

17:30 Continue sailing to Aswan, Dinner will be during the sail
21:00 arrive Aswan and overnight on board the Cruise

Day 4: Aswan Day Tour:
Breakfast on Board the Cruise to continue your Cairo and Nile Cruise tour Package
08:00 Proceed with Visits of Aswan including the temple of Philae and tour by Felucca around Elephantine, the High Dam, the Unfinished Obelisk

Aswan High Dam
Aswan High Dam was built between 1960 and 1970 across the Nile and had a positive effect on the economy and culture of Egypt. Continue  Aswan tour and visit one of the important obelisks in ancient Egypt:

The Unfinished Obelisk
The Unfinished obelisk the largest obelisk ever built by order by Queen Hatshepsut as its height is 42 m and weighs 1.200 tons.

Philae Temple
Philae Temple which was built to honor many gods like Isis and Hathor, and contain many stories about Osiris and Horus, also in 1960 the UNESCO relocated the entire complex to the”Island of Agilkia” to escape the dangers of the Nile floods.

After interesting excursion, you will be transferred back to your cruise for overnight.

Day_5: End your Cairo and Nile Cruise tour Package:
Breakfast onboard the Cruise, then you will be transferred to Aswan International Airport for flight back to Cairo ending your Cairo and Nile Cruise tour Package

Optional Tour To Abu Simbel:
Leave Aswan to Abu Simbel where you will spend an exploring and exciting time at Abu Simple Temple of Ramses II. This place has very special atmosphere as is dedicated to the four universal gods of ancient Egyptian historyLeave Aswan to Abu Simbel where you will spend an exploring and exciting time at Abu Simple Temple of Ramses II. This place has very special atmosphere as is dedicated to the four universal gods of ancient Egyptian history



  • AB USD 1'250
  • Besuchen Sie Kairo
  • Besuchen Sie Luxor
  • Besuchen Sie Assuan
  • An Bord einer Nilkreuzfahrt
  • Keine versteckten Kosten
  • Problemlos


  1. Treffen und Betreuung am internationalen Flughafen Kairo + Transfer zum Hotel im klimatisierten Fahrzeug  
  2. 1 Übernachtung in Kairo inklusive Frühstück und allen Steuern – 5-Sterne-Hotel
  3. Eine Tagestour in Kairo, wie im Programm erwähnt, inklusive Eintrittsgeldern und englischsprachigem Reiseführer 
  4. 3 Übernachtungen auf einer 5-Sterne-Nilkreuzfahrt mit Vollpension 
  5. Flugtickets (Kairo-Luxor-Assuan-Kairo)
  6. Alle Besichtigungstouren an Bord Ihrer Nilkreuzfahrt inklusive: 
  7. Tour zum Staudamm und Philae-Tempel in Assuan
  8. Tour zu den Tempeln Kom Ombo und Edfu.
  9. Tour zum Tal der Könige, zum Hatschepsut-Tempel und zu den Memnonkolosse.
  10. Tour zu den Tempeln von Karnak und Luxor.
  11. Eintrittsgelder für alle im Programm genannten Sehenswürdigkeiten
  12. Englischsprachiger Reiseführer
  13. Alle Servicegebühren und Steuern 
  14. Unterstützung und Transfer zum internationalen Flughafen Kairo bei der endgültigen Abreise


  1. Internationaler Flug
  2. Visum für Ägypten


  1. Cairo
  2. Luxor
  3. Aswan
  4. Cairo