ТРЕХДНЕВНЫЕ ТУРЫ В КАИР ИЗ СОМА БЭЙ - Daily Tours Egypt | Best Egypt Tours | Egypt Travel Packages| Luxury Egypt Vacations


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От USD 500

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Мы предлагаем трехдневную экскурсию в Каир по лучшей цене из Сома Бэй и Сафаги с высоким качеством обслуживания. Исследуйте один из самых увлекательных городов мира, где история — это всего лишь еще одна часть повседневной жизни. Посетите основные моменты Каира Основные моменты Каира. В первый день вы посетите пирамиды Гизы, Сфинкса и Египетский музей, затем переночуете в 4-звездочном отеле с видом на пирамиды в номере. Во второй день вы посетите цитадель Саладина, мечеть Мухаммеда Али, Старый Каир, Коптский Каир. Висячая церковь и старый базар Хан-эль-Халиль, ночь в 4-звездочном отеле с видом на пирамиды в номере на третий день. Вы посетите Мемфис, Саккару, Дахшур, затем вылетите в Хургаду из Каира, а затем вернетесь в отель. Забронируйте сейчас Трехдневный тур по Каиру из Сома Бэй.

От USD 500

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Three days Cairo Tours from Soma Bay

Day 1: Hurghada- Giza

We will pick you up Early morning from your hotel in Safaga,Soma bay hotels to Hurghada airport for flight to Cairo. The Flight departs at 05:30 and arrives to Cairo at 06:30.
Upon arrival at Cairo airport you will be met by your tour guide to start your Cairo Tours from Soma Bay visiting :
Giza Pyramid Complex:
The complex includes three main pyramids, six little pyramids, the great sphinx and the Valley Temple. The complex dates back to the 4th dynasty 2400 years B.C.
The Great Pyramid:
It is the oldest and largest of the three pyramids of Giza plateau and the only one to remain intact from the 7 Wonders of the Ancient World. The height of the great pyramid is 147m, the number of stones used in construction is 2,300,000 and it took twenty years to be built.
The Great Sphinx:
It is the largest statue in the world, standing 73 m. long, 19 m. wide, and 20 m height. It is the oldest known monumental sculpture.
The Valley Temple:
A Granite mortuary temple used by Ancient Egyptians for the mummification process and this is the only remaining one at Giza plateau.

Lunch will be served at Pyramids or Nile view restaurant, then move to visit The Egyptian Museum 

The Egyptian Museum:
The museum displays a rare collection of 5000 years of art. Over 250,000 genuine artifacts are presented, including an exhibit dedicated to Tutankhamen collection of treasure, gold, and jewelry which was enclosed in his tomb for over 3,500 years

Then transfer to a 4 stars hotel with Pyramids view for overnight

Day 2: Cairo - Old City

After breakfast, then join your tour guide to visit the below sightseeing:

The Hanging Church:
The Hanging Church is built over one of the Roman Bastions, visible at the back of the church. The building is reached via a steep staircase. The church properly dates from the 7Th century, although some Copts claim it is older.

Salah el-Din Citadel:
It served as Egypt's seat of government till the 1860s, Cairo Citadel is a magnificent fortress. It was constructed during Salah ad-Din reign. The construction work has started in 1176 and was completed in 1182. Then pay a visit to 
Mohamed Ali Mosque:
It was constructed between 1830 and 1848, the mosque named " The Alabaster Mosque" because of most of the walls were made out of pure alabaster. The mosque is a replica of the Blue Mosque in Istanbul
Khan El Khalili Bazaar:
No visit to Cairo is complete without a stop to Khan EL Khalili bazaar; one of the most famous and oldest bazaars in the Middle East.

Lunch will be served in a local restaurant

Then transfer to your 4* hotel for overnight in Pyramids view room.

Day 3: Memphis, Sakkara and Dahshour - Hurghada

After breakfast, then join your private tour guide to visit Cairo Highlights including:

Djoser Step Pyramid at Saqqara
The Step Pyramid was built in the 27th century BC during the 3rd dynasty rule of Djoser. It is the first pyramid built in Egypt and while it is not a ‘true pyramid’ with smooth sides, like those at Giza and Dahshur, it remains an important stepping stone in their development. It is also the first large-scale cut-stone structure in the world.

The Ancient City of Memphis
Memphis, founded around 3,100 BC, is the legendary city of Menes, the King who united Upper and Lower Egypt. Early on, Memphis was more likely a fortress from which Menes controlled the land and water routes between Upper Egypt and the Delta. Having probably originated in Upper Egypt, from Memphis he could control the conquered people of Lower Egypt. However, by the Third Dynasty, the building at Saqqara suggests that Memphis had become a sizable city.

Located about 40 kilometers southwest of Cairo, the village of Dahshur marks the southern end of the vast pyramid field that begins at Giza. Excavations at Dahshur have revealed the remains of seven pyramids, as well as extensive tomb complexes built for queens and nobility from Memphis up until the 13th Dynasty in the Middle.

Lunch will be served in a local restaurant.

Then you will be transferred to Cairo airport, for short Trip To Hurghada and then you will be transfered to your hotel in Soma Bay. End of Cairo Tours from Soma Bay

Price Categories:
  • Private tour for 2-3  Persons 580 $ Per Person
  • Private tour for 4-7 Persons 540 $ Per Person
  • Private tour for 8-15 Persons 500 $  Per Person
  • Private tour for child  290 $ Per child
  • Private trip for Single traveller 800 $ Per person

Основной момент


  • Пирамиды Гизы
  •  Сфинкс
  •  Египетский музей
  •  цитадель Саладина
  •  Мечеть Мохамеда Али
  •  Старый Каир, Коптский Каир
  •  Старый базар Хан-эль-Халил
  •  Мемфис
  •  Саккара
  •  Дахшур


  1.  Размещение в отеле 4 звезды с завтраком (возможен повышенный класс).
  2.  Авиабилет Хургада/Каир-Каир/Хургада.
  3.  Экскурсия к пирамидам Гизы и Сфинксу.
  4.  Экскурсия в Египетский музей.
  5.  Экскурсия в Цитадель Саладина.
  6.  Экскурсия в мечеть Мухаммеда Али.
  7.  Экскурсия в Старый Каир, Коптский Каир.
  8.  Экскурсия на Старый базар Хан Эль Халили.
  9.  Экскурсия в Мемфис.
  10.  Англоговорящий гид
  11.  Покупки через базары.
  12.  Трансфер из/в ваш отель.
  13.  Обед в местном ресторане.
  14.  Плата за обслуживание и налоги.
  15.  Никаких скрытых затрат.


  1.  Чаевые
  2.  Звуковое и световое шоу
  3.  Любые дополнительные услуги, не упомянутые в маршруте
  4.  Парусное путешествие по Нилу
  • Продолжительность : 3 дней
  • Тип : Частный
  • Бег: каждый день
  • Время получения : 04:00
  • Живой гид : английский, немецкий, испанский.



  1. VX2Q+VHM, Safaga
  2. Hurghada Airport Toll Gate, Airport rd, Hurghada
  3. Oruba Road, El Nozha
  4. Cairo
  5. Hurghada Airport Toll Gate, Airport rd, Hurghada